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National Flower

Donna Casey

Holistic Wellness & Therapeutic Art


Hello, my name is Donna Casey, and I help women break free from the cage of chronic unwellness by focusing on inner healing. 


I believe that the full expression of one's self and vibrant living is possible and should be available to everyone.​ The nervous system is marvelous in its capacity to heal and restore balance, so it is key to every aspect of wellbeing. When we practice going within and slowing down our responses to external stimuli, it allows the nervous system to regulate and redirect its energy from survival mode to healing and then to really thriving. I offer various healing modalities, wellness coaching, and personal training, as well as art as a tool to connect deeply, enriching lives and souls. Artistic expression is also very healing and restorative, especially when experienced as a relaxed and meditative activity.

In the menu above, you will find access to more information on the various holistic healing services and therapeutic art sessions that are available.


 Thank you for taking the time to explore the possibilities for healing that holistic wellness and therapeutic art hold for you. 



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